Yash Mathur

My Story


& Designer

During the summer of 2020, I had an idea for an app called Study Cloud, where students could connect with each other to find academic assitance. I had no experience in coding or app development, but I was passionate about my idea. So, I taught myself to code through online resources like YouTube, GitHub and Stack Overflow, and roughly six months later, I had turned my idea into a reality.

Since Study Cloud, I have been working on multiple projects across a wide variety of sectors in technology. I have worked on developing crypto tokens and designing NFTs. I have built iOS and Android apps. And, I have developed websites like the one your are looking at right now :) While I have grown a lot, I still have a lot to learn before I can acheive my dreams.

For a detailed breakdown of my complete skillset, you can look below.


Engineering Manager @ Arlite Technology

November 2022 - Present

Kitchen Manager @ Chipotle East Brunswick

June 2021 - September 2022

Team Lead @ Rutgers Externship Experience

June 2022 - August 2022

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